Yau Yi Kwong 先生 香港
第10回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2023)
- Use of vertical elastic in extraction treatment with aligner
第8回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2021)
- Principal in use of auxiliary mechanics in aligner troubleshooting
- Aligner mechanics is not 100% predictable in controlling tooth movement in clear aligner therapy and this may induce aligner misfit, which will cause further tooth movement offtracking. In aligner troubleshooting, redesigning of mechanics will be needed and applied on existing or additional aligners to manage offtracking, where mechanics from auxiliary tools will become one of the options.
In the presentation, the speaker will share with you how to apply different auxiliary tools with its mechanics in aligner troubleshooting. Use of power arm, sectional braces and different ways of elastic traction will be discussed.
第6回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2019)
keynote Speaker
Control of Root Movement - Most of the Invisalign doctors had experience in getting frustrated with the loss of control of the root movement during extraction treatment with Invisalign system. In the worst scenario, we may come across with molar dumping, retroclination of incisors, deepening of the bite, or even having a rollercoaster effect on the occlusal plane. But the speaker believe that control of root movement with aligner can become more predictable while we can understand more about what accounts for the successful tooth movement, and why there is offtracking and loss of control of the root. In the presentation, the speaker will share with you clinical tips in how to facilitate tracking and prevent offtracking in paralleling the root as well as controlling anterior root torque during extraction treatment.
第5回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2018)
Keynote Speaker
<Aligner- Restorative Interdisciplinary Treatment with Invisalign System> - <インビザラインシステムによるアライナー矯正装置と補綴のインターディシプリナリー治療>
There are more and more patient who were asking for orthodontic correction of the malocclusion, require also restorative treatment to fix their defect in tooth structure, to improve the aesthetic and occlusion of teeth and to replace missing teeth etc. In a modern dentistry, a comprehensive treatment planning involving different dental specialty is becoming more necessary so that the quality of treatment can be more efficient, effective and more conservative.
Invisalign system has provided us with a digital platform that we can plan our treatment goals in how to move the teeth to fit into our restorative treatment plan. Or we can use the planning to see how early restorative treatment can facilitate the movement of teeth by aligner.
The speaker, who is not a user of DSD, will discuss his experience of combining the aligner treatment with the restorative treatment to provide a good treatment outcome for patients.
第4回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2017)
Keynote Speaker
< Wake Up Impaction > - アライナー歯科矯正は単純な不正咬合を簡単に治療できる矯正治療だけではない。精密な治療計画とモニタリング、高コンプライアンスの患者さんにおいては複雑なクラスIII関係や抜歯のような難症例の仕上がりにも有効的に活用できることも証明されている。
Abstract: Aligner system is not just an easy orthodontic that can be used to treat simple malocclusion. It has been well demonstrated that aligner system can also finish an extraction treatment or difficult malocclusion like Class III if the appliance is being used in good hands of a compliance patient with proper treatment plan design and careful monitoring.
Wit the adjunctive use of auxiliary tools, we can apply the aligner system to even more difficult situations. In this presentation, the speaker will share his experience in incorporating use of auxiliary tools in correction of malocclusion with tooth impaction.
第3回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会
Keynote Speaker
< The Mysterious “Jump” in Aligner Orthodontics > - Abstract : Treating patients with severe antero-posterior, vertical or either transverse discrepancy has always been a very challenging issue in orthodontics. When doing treatment prescription with ClinCheck software, we could ask for A-P, vertical and/or transverse correction with a simulated “jump” which always happens at the latest stage of treatment simulation. The concept is just like a surgical correction simulation. But what kind of jumps we could expect to happen before we start treatment and how it happens? In my presentation, I will share some of my experiences in treating particularly non-surgical growing patients with planned or either un-planned jump during treatment.
第2回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会
Keynote Speaker
< Managing Extraction cases with Invisalign > - Challenges in managing extraction cases including anterior torque control, prevent bite deepening, control mesial-distal root tip of teeth adjacent to extraction space, as well as anchorage control. By meticulous treatment planning with ClinCheck simulation, we could overcome most of these challenges simultaneously and thus might be able to reduce the treatment time and to minimise the use of auxiliaries, such as sectional braces and miniscrew anchorage. The innovative G6 features also allow us to have better control in treating 1st premolar extraction cases. I would also share some experiences in using G6 features compared to conventional setup in managing extraction cases in my presentation.
BDS ( Hong Kong) , DGDP (UK)
Dr. YAU Yi Kwong graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1987 and has been practicing dentistry for over 29 years in his Hong Kong based practice. Dr. Yau was Invisalign certified in 2002 and has achieved status as a Diamond Invisalign Provider since 2014. He has become a top Invisalign provider and a clinical speaker lecturing worldwide and most extensively in Australia, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, China, Singapore, Japan, Spain and Hong Kong. His cases in the Invisalign International Gallery were recognized with the Invisalign Peer Review Award in 2011. Dr. Yau is also a member in the Asia Pacific Invisalign Clinical Advisory Board and has been invited to attend the Las Vegas Invisalign Summit, Asia Pacific Invisalign Summit and Invisalign European Summit. His collaboration with Align technology on experience based training development and execution gives Dr. Yau a unique view on new curricula and training methodologies. His pioneering treatments with Invisalign paved the way for Invisalign popularity in Asia.
2014年 | Asia Pacific Invisalign Summit (Singapore) |
2012年 | Asia Pacific Invisalign Summit (Macau) |
2010年 | Asia Pacific Invisalign Summit (Thailand) |