Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics. (2013~)
President, U.C. Seoul orthodontic clinic, Kang-Nam, Seoul, Korea (2010~ )
Seoul National Univ. School of Dentistry, Molecular Genetics, Korea, Ph.D. (2010-2016)
UCLA, School of Dentistry, USA. Orthodontics Residency. (2006-2009)
UCLA, School of Dentistry, Oral Biology, USA, M.S (2006-2008)
Univ of Rochester, Eastman Dental Center, TMJD Fellowship. (2005-2006)
Seoul National Univ. School of Dentistry, Korea, D.D.S. (1997-2001)
Seoul National Univ. Department of Biology, Korea, B.S.(1993-1997)
Academic Appointment
Lecture Professor, Graduate School of clinical dentistry, department of orthodontics Ajou Univ, Suwon, Korea (2017-)
Adjunct Asoociate Professor, SinSung University, department of oral hygiene, Dang Jin,Korea(2015~2021)
Part-time clinical assistant professor, Department of orthodontics, Cha Medical center, Chae Univ, Po Cheon, Korea (2014-)
Part-time clinical assistant professor, Department of orthodontics, Asan Medical center, Ulsan, Univ, Ulsan, Korea (2014-)
Part-time clinical assistant professor, Department of orthodontics, Samsung Seoul Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan Univ, Korea (2010-2020)
Academic Activity
Diplomate, American Board of Orthodontics. (2013~)
Board-certified orthodontist, Ministry of health and welfare, Korea (2018~)
Trustee member, Korean Association of Orthodontists (2020~ )
Committee member of the international affair, Korean Association of Orthodontics (2010~)
Board member, Korean Association of Digital Orthodontists (KSDO, 2018~)
Board member, Korean Society of Orthodontists (KSO, 2012~)
Member, American Association of Orthodontists
Member, Korean cleft lip and palate association.
Member, Korean Association of orthodontists
Extracurricular Activity
Consultant dentist, World Taekwondo Taedoo Union (WTTU)
Taekwondo 3rd degree black belter
Practical Machine Learning, Course Certificate, Johns Hopkins University (Coursera), 2021
Regression Models, Course Certificate, Johns Hopkins University (Coursera), 2021
CIT Internet of Things for Healthcare Program, CIT Code Academy, 2018
Reviewer, Angle Orthodontist
Reviewer, Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
Reviewer, International Orthodontics
Textbook co-contributor
・ Lee, J.Y., Chae, H.S. and Kim, Y.H., 2020. Total Arch Distalization and Control of Transverse Discrepancy with TADs. Temporary Anchorage Devices in Clinical Orthodontics, pp.213-221.
・ Chae, H.S. et el. The intersection of Biology and Digital Technology: New Era, Contemporary Digital Orthodontics, Quintessense publishing, , pp10-21.
・ Ojima,K. Aligner Orthodontics, 2019 ,Quintessense publishing
・ Kang SY, Kim YH, Baek SH, Kim DW, Shin JW, Chae HS. Stability of clockwise rotation of the maxillary occlusal plane in skeletal Class III patients treated with two-jaw surgery. Orthodontics & Craniofacial Research. 2022 Aug 11.
・ Kang, G.W., Kim, Y.H., Hong, C., Woo, S., Sung, J., Song, Y.M., Shin, J.W. and Chae, H.S., 2022. Heritability of maxillary dental cephalometric variables among monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins and their siblings. Clinical Oral Investigations, pp.1-7.
・ Van Giap, H., Lee, J.Y., Nguyen, H., Chae, H.S., Kim, Y.H. and Shin, J.W., 2022. Cone-beam computed tomography and digital model analysis of maxillary buccal alveolar bone thickness for vertical temporary skeletal anchorage device placement. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics.
・ Baik, U.B., Jung, J.Y., Jung, H.J., Kim, Y.J., Chae, H.S., Park, K.S., Vaid, N.R. and Nanda, R., 2022. Alveolar bone changes after molar protraction in young adults with missing mandibular second premolars or first molars. The Angle Orthodontist, 92(1), pp.64-72.
・ Nguyen, H., Shin, J.W., Giap, H.V., Kim, K.B., Chae, H.S., Kim, Y.H. and Choi, H.W., 2021. Midfacial soft tissue changes after maxillary expansion using micro-implant-supported maxillary skeletal expanders in young adults: A retrospective study. Korean Journal of Orthodontics, 51(3), pp.145-156.
・ Giap, H.V., Shin, J.W., Chae, H.S., Kim, Y.H., Paeng, J.Y. and Choi, H.W., 2021. Pharyngeal Airway Morphology in Skeletal Class III With Mandibular Asymmetry is Improved After Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 79(5), pp.1107-1121
・ Son, E.J., Kim, S.J., Hong, C., Chan, V., Sim, H.Y., Ji, S., Hong, S.Y., Baik, U.B., Shin, J.W., Kim, Y.H. and Chae, H.S., 2020. A study on the morphologic change of palatal alveolar bone shape after intrusion and retraction of maxillary incisors. Scientific reports, 10(1), pp.1-12.
・ Kim, J.H., Kim, Y.H., Kim, S.J., Sung, J., Song, Y.M., Shin, J.W., Park, J.H. and Chae, H.S., 2020. Twin study—genetic comparison of matrix versus intramatrix rotation in the mandible and three different occlusal planes. Progress in Orthodontics, 21(1), pp.1-7.
・ Nguyen, H., Shin, J.W., Giap, H., Kim, K.B., Chae, H.S., Kim, Y.H. and Choi, H.W., 2020. Three-dimensional evaluation of mid-facial soft tissue changes after expansion using micro-implant-supported maxillary skeletal expander.
・ Hong, S.Y., Shin, J.W., Hong, C., Chan, V., Baik, U.B., Kim, Y.H. and Chae, H.S., 2019. Alveolar bone remodeling during maxillary incisor intrusion and retraction. Progress in orthodontics, 20(1), pp.1-8.
・ Kim, E., Sung, J., Song, Y.M., Chae, H.S., Mo, S.S., Kim, Y.H. and Baek, S.H., 2018. Heritability of facial skeletal and dental characteristics of monozygotic and dizygotic twins using cephalometric analysis and Falconer’s method. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 29(3), pp.e274-e279.
・ Baik, U.B., Kim, H., Chae, H.S., Myung, J.Y. and Chun, Y.S., 2017. Teeth discoloration during orthodontic treatment. The Korean Journal of Orthodontics, 47(5), pp.334-339.
・ Lim, W.H., Park, E.W., Chae, H.S., Kwon, S.M., Jung, H.I. and Baek, S.H., 2017. Alveolar molding effect in infants with unilateral cleft lip and palate: comparison of two-and three-dimensional measurements. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 28(4), pp.e333-e337.
・ Kim, T.Y., Baik, J.S., Park, J.Y., Chae, H.S., Huh, K.H. and Choi, S.C., 2011. Determination of midsagittal plane for evaluation of facial asymmetry using three-dimensional computed tomography. Imaging science in dentistry, 41(2), pp.79-84.
・ Chae, H.S. and Kim, Y.H., 2011. A NELL-1 Binding Protein: Vimentin. Journal of Korean Dental Science, 4(1), pp.6-13.
・ Case report : Hong, S.Y., Kim, Y.H., Chae, H.S. Orthodontic treatment of iatrogenic trauma teeth cause by Anterior Segmental Osteotomy ,Clin.J.Korea Assoc.Orthod,2019;9(3):1510164
・ Case report : Hong, S.Y., Kim. S.Chae,S., Kim, Y.H., Chae, H.S., Extraction treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus , Clin.J.Korea Assoc.Orthod,2017;7(2):32-40
・ Chae, H.S., Park, H.J., Hwang, H.R., Kwon, A., Lim, W.H., Yi, W.J., Han, D.H., Kim, Y.H. and Baek, J.H., 2011. The effect of antioxidants on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and orthodontic tooth movement. Molecules and cells, 32(2), pp.189-196.
Lecture and Presentations
“The New Direct Aligner Treatment, Graphy”, UCSF, 2022.
“The Morphologic Change of Palatal Alveolar Bone Shape After Intrusion and Retracion of Maxillary Incisors”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2021.
“The site specific interdisciplinary orthodontic treatment”, Ehwa Women University, 2021.
“Lower extraction or distalization in class III patients: UCSF, 2021
“Basic TAD placement procotol”, UCSF, 2021
“The alveolar bone response to the maxillary inciosrs upward and backward movement”, SIDEX, 2020.
“Designing invididualized orthodontic devices utilizing IOP and 3D drawing”, KSDO, 2019.
“Prediction factors to predict alveolar bone response during upper incisors intrusion and retraction”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics”, 2018.
“Counterforce to arch form incoordiation”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics 2018.
“The lower three incisors: Treatment strategy using TADs – The lower non extraction approach”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2017
“Counterforec to arch form incordination”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2014
“Identificaiton of Nell-1 binding protein: Vimentin”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2009
Excellent Posterboad Presentation Award, “Heritabiliy of maxillary dental cephalometric variables of monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins and sibling”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2021
Excellent Poster Presentation Award, “Clnical cephalometic study in maxillary incisors retraction using the mini-screw with non-extraction case”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2020
Excellent Postboard Presentation Award, “Three-dimensional evaluation of midfacial soft tissue thickness in patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2019
Excellent Postboard Presentation Award, “The prevalence rate of root dilaceration on the impacted tooth”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2019
Excellent scientific research presentation award, “Identificaiton of a Nell-1 bonding protein : Vimentin”, The Korean Association of Orthodontics, 2009