Benedict Wilmes 先生 University of Duesseldorf, Germany
第10回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2023)
- Optimal aligner & TAD combination mechanics, sliding or screw activated mechanics?
- アライナー治療による矯正治療を希望する患者様が増えています。 アライナーのみに頼ると、アライナー治療による歯の移動は困難になります。 文献では最大 2.5 mm の臼歯の移動が成功したという報告はありますが、治療時間が非常に長く、患者の高いコンプライアンスが必要です。
さらに、顎間ゴムの副作用は、固定歯の移動がありえるという観点から考慮する必要があります。 これは、正中線の移動、アーチの回転、顎位の不一致、および咬合平面の傾斜の発生の可能性を伴います。特に片側エラスティックの使用は問題となる可能性があります。 この固定具の喪失と弾性摩耗への高い要求を回避するために、前口蓋の歯科矯正用ミニインプラントが使用されることがあります。これにより、歯根損傷のリスクなく、インプラントが歯の移動経路に影響することもありません。 講演では、アライナーと TADs (アライナー技術の利点、BAT) の多くの組み合わせについて、スライダー、スクリューの作動機構を使用して示します。
An increasing number of patients seek orthodontic treatment with aligner therapy. Bodily tooth movement with aligner therapy is challenging when relying on aligners alone. Whilst there are limited reports of successful bodily molar movements of up to 2.5 mm in the literature, a very long treatment time and high level of patient compliance and is expected.
Moreover, the potential side effects of intermaxillary elastics must be considered in terms of shift of the anchorage teeth; this might be a severe problem especially in unilateral elastics applications with the potential for development of a midline shift, arch rotation and a jaw discrepancy, and transverse occlusal canting. To avoid this anchorage loss and the high demand on elastic wear, orthodontic mini-implants in the anterior palate may be used, which eliminates the risk of root injury and takes the implants out of the path of tooth movement. In this lecture many combinations of aligners and TAD borne appliances (Benefit for Aligner Technique, BAT) are shown using either sliding or screw activated mechanics.
第9回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2022)
Mini-implant support to make difficult aligner cases easier - アライナーによる矯正治療を希望する患者様が増えています。 多くの困難なアライナー症例では、追加の固定源が必要です。 臨床医は、固定歯の移動に関して、顎間ゴムの潜在的な副作用を考慮する必要があります。 これは、正中線のシフト、アーチの回転、顎の不一致、および横方向の咬合キャンティングが発生する可能性がある、特に片側のエラスティックでは深刻な問題になる可能性があります。 この定着損失と弾性摩耗に対する高い需要を回避するために、歯列矯正ミニインプラントを使用することができます。 この講義では、アライナーが困難な症例でより予測可能な結果を達成するために、ミニインプラントを利用したアプライアンスとアライナーの組み合わせについてお話します。
Lecture abstract:
An increasing number of patients seek orthodontic treatment with aligner therapy. In many difficult aligner cases, there is need for additional anchorage. Clinicians must consider the potential side effects of intermaxillary elastics in terms of shift of the anchorage teeth. This might be a severe problem especially in unilateral elastics applications with the potential for development of a midline shift, arch rotation and a jaw discrepancy, and transverse occlusal canting. To avoid this anchorage loss and the high demand on elastic wear, orthodontic mini-implants may be used. In this lecture, the combination of mini-implant-borne appliances and aligners is presented to achieve more predictable results in difficult aligner cases.
University of Duesseldorf, Germany
Department of Orthodontics
Prof. Dr. Benedict Wilmes
Dr. Wilmes completed his postgraduate training in oral surgery at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of Muenster, Germany. Following this, he pursued a postgraduate degree in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics at the University of Duesseldorf, Germany. In 2013, he was appointed as a Professor at the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Duesseldorf. With over 200 published articles and textbook chapters to his name, Dr. Wilmes is a prolific author. He serves as a reviewer for numerous esteemed journals and has delivered more than 300 lectures and courses in 70 different countries worldwide.
Dr. Wilmes specializes in digital orthodontics and is particularly interested in exploring new CAD/CAM technologies for non-compliant and invisible
orthodontic treatment strategies, such as TADs (Temporary Anchorage Devices) and aligners. He has contributed significantly to the field with his invention of various innovative treatment modalities, including mini-implant borne expansion (MARPE), Hybrid Hyrax, Mesialslider, Beneslider, and the Benefit mini-implant
system. Recognizing his outstanding contributions, Dr. Wilmes has received several prestigious awards throughout his career. These include the First Prize of
the German Orthodontic Society in 2007, the First Prize of the European Orthodontic Society in 2009, the First Prize of the German Society for Lingual
Orthodontics in 2018, and the Award of the International Academy of Clear Aligners in 2019. Dr. Wilmes serves as an Editorial Board Member for various
international journals, including the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, Bioengineering, the Journal of the Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society, and the
Journal of Aligner Orthodontics. Additionally, he holds active membership in the Angle Society (Eastern Component).