Wolfgang Boisserée 先生 Germany
第4回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2017)
Keynote Speaker
Orthodontics and prosthodontics - a powerful interdisciplinary partnership - 歯科矯正と修復歯医学のコラボレーションの主な理由はよく知られている事実である。矯正歯科医は歯を動かすことができるが、歯の形を変えることができない。その反面、修復歯科医や補綴歯科医は歯の形と色を変えることができるが、歯を正しい位置に移動させることができない。
The main reason for a collaboration between orthodontic and restorative dentistry is the well known fact, that orthodontics can move teeth, but cannot change the shape of teeth. In contrary restorative dentistry or prosthodontics can change the shape and the color of teeth, but is unable to move teeth to the right position.
But how is the general algorithm in the interdisciplinary approach, to get a success- and powerful partnership?
This lecture shows effective procedures of interactive diagnosis, planning and treatment in typical patient-situations, where interdisciplinary treatment is needed, with focus on function and to the digital state of the art.
第3回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会
Keynote Speaker
Fundamentals of interdisciplinary cooperation betweenorthodontics and restorative dentistry with special attention to the function - The dentistry has direct influence on the temporomandibular joint function and on the neuromuscular system by changing the occlusion. The temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles and the teeth have a not to be underestimated impact onto the entire organism. This relationship is complex and multilayered, and described in detail in various studies.
For the planning of a complex interdisciplinary treatment the speakers will give a well-defined schedule as a prerequisite for successful treatment. The algorithm of this sequence is shown in detail and described in various different treatment strategies.
Objective of dentistry in this context is the occlusal therapy, which often requires interaction of orthodontics and restorative dentistry. The realization in the dental practice today takes place for the most part in a digital workflow. The virtual orthodontic treatment planning (ClinCheck Software) and the current possibilities of CAD / CAM technology in the functional therapeutic and restorative dentistry will also be presented in various treatment examples.
Born 13th of. March 1955, Cologne, Germany
Qualification as dental technician from 1975-1979
Studies of dentistry at Göttingen University (Georg-August Universität), graduation in 1985, dissertation 1987.
Dental surgeon in the German air force during military service 1986- 1987
Own practice in Cologne since 1988
Intensive advanced education in Germany and abroad, with emphasis on gnathology, interrelated aspects of the craniomandibular system and the entire body as well as functionally suitable prosthodontics. Advanced education in manual medicine and osteopathy.
Speaker in Germany and European Countries on the topics of gnathology, prosthetic rehabilitation after functional therapy and interdisciplinary dentistry.
Book Publication “Kraniomandibuläres und Muskuloskelettales System” (Craniomandibular and Musculoskeletal System) together with Dr. Werner Schupp, Quintessenz-Verlag, 2012
Numerous publications concerning function, prosthetic rehabilitation after functional therapy and interdisciplinary dentistry in national and international journals.
Founder member and chairman of the interdisciplinary Group “Zahn und Mensch” (Dental an Human Balance)
Certified Specialist for functional diagnosis and therapy (German Association of Functional Diagnosis an Therapy, DGFDT)
Lecturer at Innsbruck Medical University, Austria