Kamy Malekian 先生 Spain
第5回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2018)
Keynote Speaker
" Periodontal Patients : Minimal Invasive Approach with Aligner 3D Digital Planning" - <ぺリオ患者:3Dデジタル計画のアライナー矯正によって侵襲的アプローチを最小限にする>
20年前から生態医学でのデジタル革命は膨大な成長を見せている。インビザラインの3D計画ソフトは複雑なぺリオ治療においての安全、かつ快適で効果的なアライナー治療を現実にしている。ClinCheckPro 3Dソフトは歯周サポート喪失、歯根の解剖と歯周生物型を参考にし、それぞれの歯の動きを3次元で計画する。
第4回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2017)
Keynote Speaker
Complex Non-Extraction Malocclussion: Space Achievers Strategy - Complex orthodontic malocclusion often present a moderate-severe crowding combined with an antero-posterior or vertical disorder such as Class II,III or Anterior open bite.
The aim of this presentation is to focus on Clincheck space managment 3D control and clinical tracking with clear aligner therapy.
Space achievers such as: proclination, posterior expansion, IPR and upper or lower distalisation should be carefully selected and combined during clincheck planning in order to achieve the best esthetic,functional and periodontal final results. The challenge is to avoid on one hand teeth extractions and on the other hand undesired excessive incisor proclination and posterior expansion which can lead sometimes to unexpected gingival recessions as side effect.
第3回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会
- Summary Abstract: " Sequential Lower distalization is applied in the lower arch in order to treat class III treatments. Sequential Attachment Placement on lower distalised molars and premolars increases aligner fitness and lower anchorage.With Esthetic Start Motivation Strategy patients
achieve short term lower anterior esthetic results keeping high motivation and full time aligner & elastic wear during total treatment time.
*Dental Degree UCM. Orthodontic Postgraduate UCM Madrid, Spain.
* Visiting Professor at Orthodontic Postgraduate UCM Madrid since 2001.
* Invisalign International Clinical Speaker since year 2002.
* Invisalign Faculty member.
* Lectured more than 300 Invisalign Certification & Study Clubs throughout Europe, as well as spoken at all European Summit editions from 2005 to 2020.
* Speaker at Invisalign congress events: China,Japan (JAAO), Brazil, Argentina, Germany (DGAO), Italy (EAS), India,Thailand,Spain (SEDA)
* Treated more than 2500 Invisalign Treatments. Invisalign Diamond doctor since 2012.
* Invisalign Peer Award Recognition International Gallery Case published.
* Article Published at Journal Of Aligner Orthodontics (Quintessence 2019).