1th Japan Academy of In-office Aligner Orthodontics | Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba Port HALL
- Utilization of SMA in Refinement
- アライナー矯正治療ではリファイメントが必要なプロセスである。従来のアウトソースアライナーは治療計画や製作に時間がかかり、廃棄アライナーなどの問題が生じる。一方、インハウスアライナーはこれらを解消し、特にSMA(シェイプメモリアライナー)は形状記憶機構により、移動量に対する力を軽減し、装着時の痛みが少ない利点がある。今回、インビザラインからSMAに変更した症例を提示し、インハウスアライナーの有効性を考察したい。
The 10th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2023
- Utilization of In-House Aligners by General Practitioners
- Advances in digital technology have expanded the use of clear aligners in orthodontic treatment from traditional fixed devices.
Orthodontic treatment methodology has expanded from traditional fixed appliances to clear aligners. However, regardless of the evolution of orthodontic appliances, retroversion and gingival recession are common problems.
However, despite changes in orthodontic appliances, retroversion and gingival recession are common problems. The primary concern of the general dentist (GP) is tooth preservation and maintenance of the dentition.
However, especially in cases with periodontal disease or defects, pathological tooth movement can be observed and difficult to deal with.
The main challenge for the general practitioner (GP) is tooth preservation and maintenance of the dentition. In-house aligners have a significant advantage over other methods in these cases.
In-house aligners are considered to have a significant advantage over other methods in these cases. In this presentation, we will discuss how GPs can utilize inhouse aligners.
In this lecture, we will discuss how GPs can utilize inhouse aligners through cases related to periodontal disease and past cases.
The presentation will discuss the possibilities of inhouse aligners through cases related to periodontal disease and past cases.
1996 | Graduated from Tohoku University School of Dentistry |
2003 | Igari Dental Office opened |
2014 | Established Igari Dental Office, Saiseikai Medical Corporation |
日本歯周病学会 専門医
日本口腔インプラント学会 専門医
日本臨床歯周病学会 認定医
日本臨床歯周病学会 歯周インプラント認定医
日本顎咬合学会 認定医