8th September 2024
1th Japan Academy of In-office Aligner Orthodontics | Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba Port HALL
For Japanese
For English
The 1st Japan In-House Aligner Orthodontic Study Group will be held at Tokyo Port City HallIn the 10 years since the Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics (JAAO) was founded in 2014, we have held research meetings on approximately 160 topics with a focus on corporate aligner orthodontics.
Thanks to the efforts of companies such as Align Technology (Invisalign), an early leader in aligner orthodontics, we have expanded the possibilities of aligner orthodontic treatment and learned a lot about tooth movement with aligners.
In 2024, thanks to the development of digital equipment such as intraoral scanners, 3D printers and CAD software, as well as new developments in aligner materials, it is now possible to offer in-house aligner orthodontic treatment to patients faster and with higher quality, which can better reflect the will and vision of the dentist.
In-House Aligners are not a stand-alone product, but rather a tool that can be used in conjunction with conventional orthodontic and dental treatment to enhance and expand the clinical practice of doctors.
It is very important for the future of all clinics to be prepared with the means to use and master the inhouse aligner workflow.
Digital equipment is evolving and updating faster every year, and the amount of information available on in-house aligners is staggering. This year’s meeting will take the form of a workshop to discuss the possibilities for future aligner orthodontic treatment, which will be further developed from the experience of conventional aligner orthodontic treatment.
We have invited doctors on the cutting edge, who have started using inhouse aligners over the last several year to speak about their work and experience, including clinical topics. Please take this opportunity to experience the new possibilities of In-House Aligner orthodontic treatment based on clinical experience and achievements!
Chairman Kenji Ojima
2014年12月 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会を設立 2014, 2015, 2016年の日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会の大会長を務める。 2007年よりインビザライン矯正を開始。多くの海外のインビザライン・サミットに参加[...]
(略 歴) 1970年 東京歯科大学卒業 1974年 原宿デンタルオフィス開院 日本臨床歯科学会 理事長 (著 書) 臨床歯周補綴⑴ 第一歯科出版 1990年 審美修復治療ー複雑な補綴の[...]
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所属 JAAO(日本アライナー矯正研究会) 日本臨床歯科学会 日本顎咬合学会 関東甲信越支部理事 日本口腔インプラント学会 日本矯正歯科学会 日本歯周病学会
所属団体等日本歯周病学会 専門医日本口腔インプラント学会 専門医日本臨床歯周病学会 認定医日本臨床歯周病学会 歯周インプラント認定医日本顎咬合学会 認定医日本顕微鏡歯科学会日本デジタル矯正歯科学会臨床[...]
所属学会等・日本口腔インプラント学会 専修医・日本臨床歯周病学会・点滴療法研究会・日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会(JAAO)
1994 九州歯科大学 卒業 九州歯科大学 研修医 1995 サトウ矯正歯科クリニック 非常勤 1999 松岡歯科医院 勤務 2021 じろうまる歯科室 勤務ひとみ矯正歯科医院 非常勤
日本歯周病学会 指導医・専門医日本口腔インプラント学会 専門医日本臨床歯周病学会 認定医・歯周インプラント認定医日本顎咬合学会 認定医日本歯科放射線学会 准認定医日本メンタルヘルス協会 公認 心理[...]
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Time Table
10:00~ | Dr. Kenji Ojima | 20(JP) | Japan | Why In-house aligner? Why Shape Memory Aligner? |
10:20~ | Dr. Chisato Dan | 10(JP) | Japan | Surgery First with Shape Memory Aligner |
10:30~ | Dr. Ki Beom Kim | 50(EN) | USA | New Paradigm of Clear Aligners: Harnessing the Potential of 3D Printing and Biomechanical Advantages. |
11:20~ | BREAK | 20 | ||
11:40~ | Prof. Ravi Nanda | 50(EN) | ||
12:30~ | Dr. Masao Yamazaki | 30(JP) | Japan | |
13:00~ | LUNCH Break Booth | 60 | ||
14:00~ | Dr. Narandr Chevangkul | 50( EN) | Thailand | How to integrate, In House SMA Graphy, into your everyday practice |
14:50~ | Dr. Hitoshi Watanabe | 10( JP) | ||
15:00~ | Dr. Igari | 15(JP) | Japan | 「各世代における矯正治療のフィニッシングにSMAを応用した4症例」 |
15:20~ | Dr. Rumi Matsuoka | 15(JP) | Japan | インハウスアライナーと外注アライナーを効率的に組み合わせて治療した2症例 |
15:40~ | BREAK | |||
16:00~ | Dr. Hoi-Shing Luk | 40(EN) | Taiwan | Creative Thinking in Aligner Treatment |
16:40~ | Dr. Nozomi Nagata | 15(JP) | 臼歯の挺出をSMA(ShapeMemoryAligner)にて行った症例について | |
17:00~ | Dr. Yamaguchi | 15(JP) | 内製化されたベネフィットシステムを用いた矯正治療の1例 | |
17:20~ | Dr. Nakaya | 15(JP) | ||
17:40~ | Welcome Party | |||
9:40~ | Dr. Hasegawa | 15(JP) | ||
10:00~ | Dr. Shingo Machida | 15(JP) | ラミネートベニア治療における術前のインハウスアライナーにおける矯正治療の5つの有用性 | |
10:20~ | Dr. Viet Hoang | 20(EN) | Vietnam | |
10:40~ | Dr. Soo Jin Kim | 20(EN) | Korea | |
11:00~ | BREAKE | 20 | ||
11:20~ | Dr. Rekha Bharacv | 20( EN) | India | |
11:40~ | Dr. Motomu Kudo | 15(JP) | ||
12:00~ | Dr. Youngjin Jeon | 50(EN) | New orthodontic approach for children | |
12:50~ | Dr. Keiji Takagi | 15(JP) | 一般臨床で行うSMAを用いた部分矯正治療 | |
13:10~ | Dr. Yuriko Kumagai | 10(JP) | Advantage for Pediotric patient using Shape Memory Aligner | |
13:20~ | LUNCH Break | 60 | ||
14:20~ | Dr. Shimizu | 15 | Japan | |
14:40~ | Dr. Seong-Hun Kim | 50(EN) | Korea | Shape Memory Aligner Assisted Rehabilitation Technique : The SMA2RT |
15:30~ | Mr. Sono | 10(JP) | Japan | Future of Shape Memory Aligner Liboratory |
15:40~ | Dr. Kenji Ojima | |||
16:30 | Finish |