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  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 堀内 淳
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 大内 仁守
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 大多良 俊光
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 西山 力
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 篠原 範行
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 大内 仁守
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 石井一裕
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Sabrina Huang
  • Dr. Wolfgang Boisserée
  • Dr. 篠原 範行
  • Dr. 河村 純
  • Dr. 岡藤 範正
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. Louis-Charles ROISIN
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Wolfgang Boisserée
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Sam Daher
  • Dr. Stephen Chang
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. Louis-Charles ROISIN
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Sam Daher
  • Dr. Waddah Sabouni
  • Dr. Alessandro Mario Greco
  • Dr. Ken Sirikrai
  • Dr. Chen ChengWei
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Nikhilesh R Vaid
  • Dr. Peter Brawn
  • Dr. Huang Hsuan-Ju
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 中川 正治
  • Dr. 伊藤 啓介
  • Dr. 牧野 正志
  • Dr. 横谷 浩爾 先生
  • Dr. 瓜生 和彦
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 甘利 佳之
  • Dr. 築山 鉄平
  • Dr. 五十嵐 祐二
  • Dr. 勝山 英明
  • Dr. 長尾 龍典
  • Dr. 荒井 昌海
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Chris Chang
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Jay Bowman
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Akim Benattia
  • Dr. 林 一夫
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Ramón Mompell
  • Dr. Bjorn Ludwig
  • Dr. Soo-Jin Kim
  • Dr. Hwa Sung Chae
  • Dr. María José Viñas
  • Dr. Curro Segura
  • Dr. 大河 雅之
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 中田 光太郎
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 趙 建鑫
  • Dr. 佐藤 洋司
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Ramón Mompell
  • Dr. Bjorn Ludwig
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 長尾 龍典
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 町田 真吾
  • Dr. Ki Beom Kim
  • Dr. Peter Brawn
  • Dr. 三林 栄吾
  • Dr. 林 一夫
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 猪狩 寛晶
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 趙 建鑫
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 工藤 求
  • Dr. 山口 將日
  • Dr. 髙木 啓二
  • Dr. 松岡 るみ
  • Dr. 清水 義夫
  • Dr. 永田 希
  • Dr. 中矢 賢史
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Hoi-Shing Luk
  • Dr. Jeon YoungJin
  • Dr. Viet Hoang
  • Dr. Seong-Hun Kim (Sunny)
  • Dr. Rekha Bharadwaj
  • Dr. 町田 真吾
  • Dr. Ki Beom Kim
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 猪狩 寛晶
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 曽野 貴之

Dr. Kamy Malekian Spain


The 5th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2018
" Periodontal Patients : Minimal Invasive Approach with Aligner 3D Digital Planning"
In the last two decades digital revolution in biomedical field seems to have no growth limits.Invisalign technique digital 3D planification software tools permits a safe, comfortable and effective aligner therapy for complex periodontal patients.
Individual 3D tooth movement is planned with Clincheck Pro 3D features regarding periodontal support loss,root anatomy and periodontal biotype.The key factor for a succesful treatment is based on ortho-perio protocol for diagnosis and clinical tracking team work progress.
The 4th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2017
Complex Non-Extraction Malocclussion: Space Achievers Strategy
Complex orthodontic malocclusion often present a moderate-severe crowding combined with an antero-posterior or vertical disorder such as Class II,III or Anterior open bite.

The aim of this presentation is to focus on Clincheck space managment 3D control and clinical tracking with clear aligner therapy.

Space achievers such as: proclination, posterior expansion, IPR and upper or lower distalisation should be carefully selected and combined during clincheck planning in order to achieve the best esthetic,functional and periodontal final results. The challenge is to avoid on one hand teeth extractions and on the other hand undesired excessive incisor proclination and posterior expansion which can lead sometimes to unexpected gingival recessions as side effect.
Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2016
Summary Abstract:  " Sequential Lower distalization is applied in the lower arch in order to treat class III treatments. Sequential Attachment Placement on lower distalised molars and premolars increases aligner fitness and lower anchorage.With Esthetic Start Motivation Strategy patients

achieve short term lower anterior esthetic results keeping high motivation and full time aligner & elastic wear during total treatment time.


 Message from Dr. Kenji Ojima to Dr. Kamy Malekian

The first time I heard Kamy’s name was at the 2010 European Aligner Summit in Barcelona. At that time, doctors in Japan were being taught to wrap up treatments in 35-stages. But Kamy  spoke about a non-extraction molar distalization treatment with 60, 70 aligners with precise tooth control. I was blow away. I had no idea anyone was doing this kind of treatment.
Last year in the spring we were both speakers at the French Association of Aligner Orthodontics. After our presentations, Kamy we had our first real conversation. At the end of our talk, I asked him if he would come present at the 2017 JAAO. He said that he couldn’t wait and insisted I let him present at the JAAO in 2016, which he did.
His personal policy is to try and avoid any invasive procedure as best he can like extractions and miniscrews. His policies are in line with the most appealing fact of Invisalign treatment: relatively painless, discrete, non-invasive treatment. His principled approach always impresses me.
This year, he won the 2017 Peer Review Reward, this is truly his year. It is a golden opportunity to see him speak here at the JAAO.

[2017 JAAO Presentation] This year, like last year, he will be presenting on cases utilizing molar movement to avoid extraction in di fficult cases. Attendees will be amazed by what he has achieved in non-extraction cases with Invisalign. Last year, he presented a Class III case, this year he will speak about Class II, Class III and Anterior Open bite cases and methods for treating  challenging cases like these.


[ Dr. Kamy Malekian Profile]

*Dental Degree UCM. Orthodontic Postgraduate UCM Madrid, Spain.

* Visiting Professor at Orthodontic Postgraduate UCM Madrid since 2001.

* Invisalign International Clinical Speaker since year 2002.

* Invisalign Faculty member.

* Lectured more than 300 Invisalign Certification & Study Clubs throughout Europe, as well as spoken at all European Summit editions from 2005 to 2020.

* Speaker at Invisalign congress events: China,Japan (JAAO), Brazil, Argentina, Germany (DGAO), Italy (EAS), India,Thailand,Spain (SEDA)

* Treated more than 2500 Invisalign Treatments. Invisalign Diamond doctor since 2012.

* Invisalign Peer Award Recognition International Gallery Case published.

* Article Published at Journal Of Aligner Orthodontics (Quintessence 2019).

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