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  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 堀内 淳
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 大内 仁守
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 大多良 俊光
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 西山 力
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 篠原 範行
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 大内 仁守
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 石井一裕
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Sabrina Huang
  • Dr. Wolfgang Boisserée
  • Dr. 篠原 範行
  • Dr. 河村 純
  • Dr. 岡藤 範正
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. Louis-Charles ROISIN
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Wolfgang Boisserée
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Sam Daher
  • Dr. Stephen Chang
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. Louis-Charles ROISIN
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Sam Daher
  • Dr. Waddah Sabouni
  • Dr. Alessandro Mario Greco
  • Dr. Ken Sirikrai
  • Dr. Chen ChengWei
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Nikhilesh R Vaid
  • Dr. Peter Brawn
  • Dr. Huang Hsuan-Ju
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 中川 正治
  • Dr. 伊藤 啓介
  • Dr. 牧野 正志
  • Dr. 横谷 浩爾 先生
  • Dr. 瓜生 和彦
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 甘利 佳之
  • Dr. 築山 鉄平
  • Dr. 五十嵐 祐二
  • Dr. 勝山 英明
  • Dr. 長尾 龍典
  • Dr. 荒井 昌海
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Chris Chang
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Jay Bowman
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Akim Benattia
  • Dr. 林 一夫
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Ramón Mompell
  • Dr. Bjorn Ludwig
  • Dr. Soo-Jin Kim
  • Dr. Hwa Sung Chae
  • Dr. María José Viñas
  • Dr. Curro Segura
  • Dr. 大河 雅之
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 中田 光太郎
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 趙 建鑫
  • Dr. 佐藤 洋司
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Ramón Mompell
  • Dr. Bjorn Ludwig
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 長尾 龍典
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 町田 真吾
  • Dr. Ki Beom Kim
  • Dr. Peter Brawn
  • Dr. 三林 栄吾
  • Dr. 林 一夫
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 猪狩 寛晶
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 趙 建鑫
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 工藤 求
  • Dr. 山口 將日
  • Dr. 髙木 啓二
  • Dr. 松岡 るみ
  • Dr. 清水 義夫
  • Dr. 永田 希
  • Dr. 中矢 賢史
  • Dr. 長谷川 雄士
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Hoi-Shing Luk
  • Dr. Jeon YoungJin
  • Dr. Viet Hoang
  • Dr. Seong-Hun Kim (Sunny)
  • Dr. Rekha Bharadwaj
  • Dr. 町田 真吾
  • Dr. Ki Beom Kim
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 猪狩 寛晶
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 曽野 貴之

Dr. Kenji Ojima (President of JAAO) Smile Innovation Orthodontics Tokyo Japan


The 10th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2023
Interdisciplinary treatment with Aligner orthodontic
Staging for successful in-house aligner orthodontic treatment
Recovery techniques for Invisalign Extraction cases
The 6th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2019
Segmental Tooth movement
In orthodontic treatments of severe crowding or bone related problems with Japanese and other Asian patients, there are often opportunities to select extraction treatment approaches. Unlike in multi bracket treatments, in which wire gauge can be increased prior to canine retraction, with aligner treatments this type of situational material selection is not possible. It is necessary to perform space closure with the same type of plastic as the rest of treatment. This belief is what results in many doctors thinking that aligners are not appropriate for extraction treatment, leading them away from aligner approaches. By solving this other other problems like it and beginning to think of aligner treatments approaches with aligner-centered thinking, seemingly complex cases become much easier, and treatment results will improve.
In this presentation, the principles at the base of this aligner-centered thinking, segmental tooth movement, will be discussed through a variety of extraction cases.
The 5th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2018
DSD Invisalign
This presentation will use several cases from our clinic to discuss how we use Facial Driven Treatment Planning, utilizing the Digital Smile Design philosophy of digital orthodontics with the Invisalign system, to perform our observations, diagnoses, treatment planning, and goal setting, including deciding jaw and tooth position, integrating ClinCheck into the treatment process.
The 5th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2018
Digital Revolution of Aligner Orthodontics
Many doctors have spoken at length about the treatment possibilities of aligner orthodontics. Since implementing the Invisalign System at our clinic in 2007, we have finished and followed up on many cases over the long term. This presentation will discuss a wide range of cases including non-extraction open bite, distalization, deep bite, and extraction cases, and focus on how we follow up from finishing through retention.
The 4th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2017
DSD Invisalign
This presentation will use several cases from our clinic to discuss how we use Facial Driven Treatment Planning, utilizing the Digital Smile Design philosophy of digital orthodontics with the Invisalign system, to perform our observations, diagnoses, treatment planning, and goal setting, including deciding jaw and tooth position, integrating ClinCheck into the treatment process.
The 4th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2017
Biomechanics and Approach for Extraction case with Invisalign
At the first JAAO congress, I presented on a premolar extraction treatment with aligner orthodontics (Invisalign). At the third congress, I presented an accelerated approach to 4-premolar extraction cases. This year, at our fourth congress, I will speak about the mechanism of tooth movement in 4-premolar extraction cases, with careful consideration of biomechanics.
Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2015
【Acceleration Orthodontics of various cases with Invisalign system.】
In recent years, application limit of the orthodontic treatment with Invisalign® system is expanded. It was possible to obtain a good orthodontic treatment results By strategically using invisalign system. I will report and show you expansion, extraction, Distalization, Openbite, Deepbite and Interdisciplinary cases. We report made to shorten the treatment period, to use in combination with the non- invasive Accelerate device and Invisalign system.
Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2014
[Treatment of possible and adaptation cases with invisalign orthodontics]
[Accelerated approach for Invisalign Orthodontics Treatment]
JCO(Journal of Clinical Orthodontics)2014年8月号で論文掲載され、2014年イタリア矯正歯科学会(SIDO)で行ったOral PresentationではBest Oral Presentation Awardを受賞した加速矯正治療について日本ではじめて講演致します。治療期間を短縮する為に当院で行っているアプローチ、それに伴いアライナー矯正治療においてどのような可能性があるのかを解説致します。


1998 Orthodontics at Showa University
2007 Director of Privet Practices Orthodontics Offices<Hongo Sakura Orthodontics>
2018 Master of Dental Science M.D.Sc. / Medical University of Innsbruck(2018)


Dr.Kenji Ojima

Master of Dental Science M.D.Sc. / Medical University of Innsbruck(2018)
Adjunct Professor University of Torino(Italy) Orthodontics Depertment

Topics :Advanced Accelerate Aligner Orthodontics


Invisalign® – Clear Aligner system for orthodontic tooth correction manufactured by Align Technologies

<Vita> Education

Studies of Dentistry at the University of Showa (Tokyo-JAPAN).

Postgraduate student in Orthodontics at the University of Showa, department of Orthodontics Professional

Private practice as a specialist in Orthodontics in Tokyo (Shinjuku and Hongo) since 2007 with Dr. Dan, Dr. Kumagai, Dr.Watanabe, Dr.Seko and Dr.Sugawara.

American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics Asian Chapter president.

Speaker in Japan, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Swiss, Poland, Australia, Iran, Mexico, Brazil,
Thailand, Hong Kong,Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia and United States.

President of JAPAN Academy of Aligner Orthodontics.

DSD/Aligner Key Opinion Leader

Advisory Board of Biolux(OrthoPulse).


<International Lectures>

Dr. Ojima has held numerous international lectures including:

2018 AAO(American Association of Orthodontists)Speaker
2018 APAC Invisalign summit Speaker

2018 Spain Invisalign Forum Speaker

2018 SFOPA(France Aligner Orthodontics society)Speaker

2018 EAS(European Aligner Society) Speaker
2017 JAAO(Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics) Speaker and President
2017 San Paulo DSD with Aligner Seminar
2017 San Paulo Align Technology Seminar
2017 Czech Republic(Prague) 2Days Seminar
2017 TOD(Turkish Orthodontics Society)Keynote Speaker and one day course
2017 Munster-Germany CMD Congress Speaker
2017 SEDA(Spanish Aligners Society) Speaker
2017 EOS(European Orthodontics Society) SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM Speaker
2017 IOA(Iranian Orthodontics Academy) Speaker
2017 AMO (Association of Mexican Orthodontics) Speaker
2016 Asia Pacific Orthodontics Congress Speaker
2016 Seoul National university orthodontics department Ojima’s one day lecture
2016 SFOPA (France Association Aligner Orthodontics) Speaker
2016 Indonesia Esthetics dental conference Speaker
2016 Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontics Keynote Speaker, and one day course. 2016 EAS (European Aligner Society) Speaker
2016 1st K-IDT Congress in Seoul National University, Speaker
2016 SIDO (Italian Orthodontics Society) Speaker
2016 DGAO (Germany Association of Aligner Orthodontics) Speaker
2015 JAAO (Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontic) Keynote Speaker and President 2015 TAAO (Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontics)Keynote Speaker
2015 SGAO (Swiss
Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie)Speaker
2014 DGAO (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Aligner Orthodontie) Speaker
2014 JAAO (Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodotnic) Keynote Speaker
2014 SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics) Best Oral Presentation Award


2014 SIDO (Italian Society of Orthodontics) Best Oral Presentation Award <Publications>

Aligner Orthodontics, Orthodontic Textbook, 2015,

Dr. Schupp, Dr. Haubrich, Dr. Boisserée, Dr. John Morton and Dr.Kenji Ojima Quintessence publishing.

<Article >

Lin J, Chen S, Liou E, Ojima K, Jay Bowman .Interdisciplinary Aligner Treatment of Short-Face Patients. : J Clin Orthod. PAGE 382 : Jul : 2017

Ojima K, Dan C, Kumagai Y, Schupp W. Invisalign Treatment Accelerated by Photobiomodulation. J Clin Orthod. 2016 May 309-317

Ojima K, Dan C, Nishiyama R, Ohtsuka S, Schupp W.Accelerated extraction treatment with Invisalign. J Clin Orthod. 2014 Aug;48(8):487-99.

S. Jay Bowman, DMD, MSD , Frank Celenza, DDS, John Sparaga, DMD, Moschos A. Papadopoulos, DDS, DMD, Kenji Ojima, DDS, James Cheng-Yi Lin, DDS :Creative Adjuncts for Clear Aligners, Part 1: Class II Treatment.Volume 49 : Number 2 : Page 83 : Feb : 2015

S. Jay Bowman, DMD, MSD , Frank Celenza, DDS, John Sparaga, DMD, Moschos A. Papadopoulos, DDS, DMD, Kenji Ojima, DDS, James Cheng-Yi Lin, DDS :Creative Adjuncts for Clear Aligners,, Part 2: Intrusion, Rotation, and Extrusion.VOLUME 49 : NUMBER 3 : PAGE 162 : Mar : 2015

S. Jay Bowman, DMD, MSD , Frank Celenza, DDS, John Sparaga, DMD, Moschos A. Papadopoulos, DDS, DMD, Kenji Ojima, DDS, James Cheng-Yi Lin, DDS :Creative Adjuncts for Clear Aligners,, Part 3: Extraction and Interdisciplinary Treatment.Volume 49 : Number 4 : Page 249 :Apr : 2015 Kenji Ojima

<Private Practices Orthodontics Offices>
Shinjuku Orthodontics Office, Hongo Orthodontics Office>
Director of Smile Innovation Orthodontics

Tokyo 2-39-5 2F Karaoke Build,Hongo-Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo,Japan +81 35800-0080 Orthodontics office web site
Orthodontics FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/HONGO.SAKURA.ORTHODONTICS.TOKYO

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With support from Companies affiliated with aligner therapy, JAAO aims to become one of the most prestigious scientific societies in the world. If you want to sponsorship or interview us, please contact us.

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