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  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 堀内 淳
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 大内 仁守
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 大多良 俊光
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 西山 力
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 篠原 範行
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 大内 仁守
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 石井一裕
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. 安 吉祐
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Sabrina Huang
  • Dr. Wolfgang Boisserée
  • Dr. 篠原 範行
  • Dr. 河村 純
  • Dr. 岡藤 範正
  • Dr. 久保田 衛
  • Dr. 坂本 紗有見
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. Louis-Charles ROISIN
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 有本 博英
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Wolfgang Boisserée
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Sam Daher
  • Dr. Stephen Chang
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. Louis-Charles ROISIN
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Sam Daher
  • Dr. Waddah Sabouni
  • Dr. Alessandro Mario Greco
  • Dr. Ken Sirikrai
  • Dr. Chen ChengWei
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 村上 久夫
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Nikhilesh R Vaid
  • Dr. Peter Brawn
  • Dr. Huang Hsuan-Ju
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 中川 正治
  • Dr. 伊藤 啓介
  • Dr. 牧野 正志
  • Dr. 横谷 浩爾 先生
  • Dr. 瓜生 和彦
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 甘利 佳之
  • Dr. 築山 鉄平
  • Dr. 五十嵐 祐二
  • Dr. 勝山 英明
  • Dr. 長尾 龍典
  • Dr. 荒井 昌海
  • Dr. 菅原 準二
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Chris Chang
  • Dr. Werner Schupp
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. Francesco Garino
  • Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
  • Dr. Kamy Malekian
  • Dr. Jay Bowman
  • Dr. David Couchat
  • Dr. Akim Benattia
  • Dr. 林 一夫
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Ramón Mompell
  • Dr. Bjorn Ludwig
  • Dr. Soo-Jin Kim
  • Dr. Hwa Sung Chae
  • Dr. María José Viñas
  • Dr. Curro Segura
  • Dr. 大河 雅之
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 中田 光太郎
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 趙 建鑫
  • Dr. 佐藤 洋司
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 山﨑 長郎
  • Dr. Benedict Wilmes
  • Dr. Ramón Mompell
  • Dr. Bjorn Ludwig
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. 長尾 龍典
  • Dr. Yau Yi Kwong
  • Dr. 町田 真吾
  • Dr. Ki Beom Kim
  • Dr. Peter Brawn
  • Dr. 三林 栄吾
  • Dr. 林 一夫
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 猪狩 寛晶
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 趙 建鑫
  • Dr. 尾島 賢治
  • Dr. Ravi Nanda
  • Dr. 工藤 求
  • Dr. 山口 將日
  • Dr. 髙木 啓二
  • Dr. 松岡 るみ
  • Dr. 清水 義夫
  • Dr. 永田 希
  • Dr. 中矢 賢史
  • Dr. 長谷川 雄士
  • Dr. Narandr Chevangkul
  • Dr. Hoi-Shing Luk
  • Dr. Jeon YoungJin
  • Dr. Viet Hoang
  • Dr. Seong-Hun Kim (Sunny)
  • Dr. Rekha Bharadwaj
  • Dr. 町田 真吾
  • Dr. Ki Beom Kim
  • Dr. 渡辺 仁資
  • Dr. 猪狩 寛晶
  • Dr. 檀 知里
  • Dr. 熊谷 友理子
  • Dr. 曽野 貴之

Dr. Hitoshi Watanabe Smile Innovation Orthodontics Tokyo


The 6th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2019
Wisdom tooth Management for Second molar extraction cases
Wisdom teeth, being the furthest back in both the upper and lower dentition, can easily remain unerupted, or partially unerupted if mandible development doesn’t leave enough eruption space for them. In orthodontic treatment, wisdom teeth can often nullify the results of treatment, and so are often extracted.
The first and second molars, due to problems during eruption period or hygiene, can present a caries risk, and at the beginning orthodontic treatment, may already have a large prosthetic, or have been subject to a root canal. With treatments in cases like this, when considering the stability of long-term prognosis, rather than focusing on preservation of the first and second molar, wisdom teeth can be effectively used in place of teeth with a long-term caries risk, which can be strategically removed during treatment. Our team combines tooth-movement specialist orthodontists, with extraction and other surgical procedure specialist orthognathic surgeons to accurately assess the difficulty of orthodontic treatment or extraction, eruption status, and anatomical conditions, such as the condition of the wisdom teeth, to effectively consider molar extraction in orthodontic treatments.
In this presentation, we share a case in which wisdow teeth are effectively utilized in post-molar extraction treatment for improved occlusal contact. Cases from several different categories of treatment types will be introduced and reported upon.
The 6th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2019
Wisdome tooth Management for Second molar extraction cases
The 5th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2018
New Approach using 3D Printer for Aligner Orthodontics
The implementation of various intra oral scanning devices at our clinic has had great merit not only for us, but has also reduced treatment burden on patients as well. In orthodontic treatment, from diagnosis to analysis, record of treatment progression through to treatment finish and retention we create a portfolio of images of the entire jaw. Since the implementation of advanced scanners, the speed and precision with which these images are made has increased dramatically. With these scanners, the next step is making a full, tangible image of this data with 3D printers. This presentation will how the ways in which our clinical practice has changed since implementing digital printers, as well as how we use them during aligner treatment recovery.
The 4th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2017
Using TADs Approach with Invisailgn ~Biomechanics Oriented Orthodontics for TADs~
In recent years there have been many different cases and papers on the use of TADs in orthodontic treatments. TADs can be divided largely into 4 groups (1) plate type (2) mini screw (3) palatal plate type (4) zygoma type. Mini screw type TADs, which are minimally invasive and simple to install, have been frequently chosen for locations that minimize damage to roots and have a low failure rate. In our group, we believe that the most important element of orthodontic treatment, however, is careful consideration of planned tooth movement and biomechanics and appropriate TAD selection. Presently at our practice, when planning an aligner treatment, the orthodontist decides the direction of tooth movement and traction, and is then followed an oral surgeon who performs a data overlay with CT or STL data. Once possible installation locations have bern found, we choose a TAD type, create a surgical guide and perform installation. Doing this enables us to execute tooth movement more faithful to the plan resulting in highly predictable outcomes.
This presentation will discuss our approach to choosing TADs with careful consideration of the biomechanics of aligner treatments.

2002 Apr. – Assistant Professor at Showa University School of Dentistry Second Oral Surgery Class

2005 Apr. – Studied at Thomas Jefferson University (America)

2007 Apr. – Assistant Professor att Showa University School of Dentistry Mandibular and Oral Disease Prevention Class

2011 Apr. – Head of Treatment in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at Showa University North Yokohama Hospital

2013 Jun. – Lecturer in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at Showa University North Yokohama Hospital

2014 Apr. -  Director of Treatment in Dentistry and Oral Surgery at Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital

2016 Apr. – Lecturer in Maxilliofacial Surgery at Showa University Schhol of Dentistry, Oral Surgery

[ Awards ]

2013 May – Certified Physician from Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

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