Dr. Benedict Wilmes University of Duesseldorf, Germany
The 9th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics Annual Congress 2022
- Mini-implant support to make difficult aligner cases easier
- Lecture abstract:
An increasing number of patients seek orthodontic treatment with aligner therapy. In many difficult aligner cases, there is need for additional anchorage. Clinicians must consider the potential side effects of intermaxillary elastics in terms of shift of the anchorage teeth. This might be a severe problem especially in unilateral elastics applications with the potential for development of a midline shift, arch rotation and a jaw discrepancy, and transverse occlusal canting. To avoid this anchorage loss and the high demand on elastic wear, orthodontic mini-implants may be used. In this lecture, the combination of mini-implant-borne appliances and aligners is presented to achieve more predictable results in difficult aligner cases.
University of Duesseldorf, Germany
Department of Orthodontics
Prof. Dr. Benedict Wilmes
Dr. Wilmes did a postgraduate training in oral surgery at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at University of Muenster, Germany. Subsequently, he received a postgraduate degree in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics at the University of the Duesseldorf, Germany. In 2013 he became Professor at the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Duesseldorf. Dr. Wilmes is author of more than 100 articles and textbook chapters. He is reviewer of numerous journals and has held more than 300 lectures and courses in 60 different countries all over the world. His primary interest is in the area of non-compliant and invisible orthodontic treatment strategies (TADs and Aligners). Dr. Wilmes was awarded the First Prize of the German Orthodontic Society in 2007, the First Prize of the European Orthodontic Society in 2009, the First Prize of the German Society for Lingual Orthodontics in 2018, and the Award of the International Academy of Clear Aligners in 2019. Dr. Wilmes is Associate Editor of the Journal of the Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society and an Active Member of the Angle Society (Eastern Component).