
第4回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2017)

第4回 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会 (2017)


大会長:尾島 賢治(スマイルイノベーション矯正歯科)


“Biomechanics of aligner orthodontics” をモチーフに開催致します。

大会長 尾島 賢治



Werner Schupp 先生(ドイツ・ケルン)

  Dr. Werner Schupp born 24. February 1958, Wissen, Germany Studies of dentistry at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität) final exam 1985, dissertation 1986. Postgraduate[...]

Ravi Nanda 先生(University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine)

Dr. Ravindra Nanda is Professor Emeritus, Former UConn Alumni Endowed Chair and Head of the Department of Craniofacial Sciences and Division of Orthodontics, University of Connecticut, Farmingto[...]

菅原 準二 先生(矯正歯科 菅原準二クリニック)

歯科医師免許、歯学博士、日本矯正歯科学会認定医・指導医・専門医   所属学会 American Association for Orthodontists、World Federation of Orthodontists、International Association for Dental Research[...]

Yau Yi Kwong 先生(香港)

BDS ( Hong Kong) , DGDP (UK) ​Dr. YAU Yi Kwong graduated from the University of Hong Kong in 1987 and has been practicing dentistry for over 29 years in his Hong Kong based practice. Dr. Yau was[...]

Jeon YoungJin 先生(韓国)

Francesco Garino 先生(Italy)

 Message from Dr. Kenji Ojima to Dr. Francesco Garino Introduction  M.D. degree, University of Torino, Italy  Orthodontic specialization, University of Padova,Italy  Diplomate European Board[...]

Tommaso Castroflorio 先生(Italy)

Dr. Castroflorio obtained his DDS Degree from the University of Torino, Italy, in 1998; In 2001 he was certified as a Specialist in Orthodontics summa cum laude from the same University. In 2007 [...]

Wolfgang Boisserée 先生(Germany)

Born 13th of. March 1955, Cologne, Germany Qualification as dental technician from 1975-1979 Studies of dentistry at Göttingen University (Georg-August Universität), graduation in 1985, dissertat[...]

Sam Daher 先生(カナダ)

A bilingual native of Montreal, Dr. Sam Daher received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from McGill University (Montreal) with distinction in 1994 then practiced general dentistry for a few y[...]

David Couchat 先生(フランス)

Stephen Chang 先生()

President , Taiwan Association of Aligner Orthodontics 2016-2017 Chairman , International Taiwan Aligner Orthodontic Congress 2015-2016 Clinical Instructor , Taipei Medical University Hospital 20[...]

有本 博英 先生(イースマイル矯正歯科(大阪))


尾島 賢治 先生(医療法人スマイルイノベーション 理事長)

2014年12月 日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会を設立 2014, 2015, 2016年の日本アライナー矯正歯科研究会の大会長を務める。  2007年よりインビザライン矯正を開始。多くの海外のインビザライン・サミットに参加[...]

伊藤国際学術研究センター 伊藤謝恩ホール(地図

地下鉄大江戸線 本郷三丁目駅 徒歩6分
地下鉄丸の内線 本郷三丁目駅 徒歩8分
地下鉄千代田線 湯島駅または根津駅 徒歩8分

事前登録8/31まで会員参加費(JAAO Member): 75,000円(税込)非会員参加費(non-JAAO Member): 85,000円(税込)
一般登録9/1以降会員参加費(JAAO Member): 80,000円(税込)
非会員参加費(non-JAAO Member): 92,000円(税込)
学生・スタッフ会員参加費(JAAO Member):40,000円非会員参加費(non-JAAO Member):48,000円
懇親会(12/7)会員参加費(JAAO Member):8,000円非会員参加費(non-JAAO Member):10,000円

Annual meeting の参加割引・JAAO会員限定のセミナー参加資格・世界のアライナー矯正学会に関する情報を随時配信させていただきます。


9:20Registration Open
9:45■Dr. Kenji Ojima
[Biomechanics and Approach for Extraction case with Invisalign]
10:00■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio
[Meet your success in Class II treatment with Invisalign]
10:50■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Yau Yi Kwong [Wake Up Impaction]
11:40■Keynote Speaker
Dr. David Couchat [Impacted teeth with Teens and Invisalign System]
12:30■Dr. Hisao Murakami
[Function-First Aligner Orthodontics]
12:50■Dr. Chisato Dan [Vertical Control with Aligner Orthodontics]
14:10■Dr. Louis-Charles Roisin [Dental-Monitoring Golive: A Clinical Continous Control for Changing Aligner]
14:30■Keynote Speaker
Prof. Werner Schupp [The Functional Aspect in Aligner Orthodontics]
15:20Coffee Break
15:50■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Sam Daher [Deep Bite: the Vertical Challenge]
16:40■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Narandr Chevangkul [Beyond]
17:30□Panel Discussion
Prof. Ravi Nanda[Moderator]
Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio / Dr. Yau Yi Kwong / Dr. David Couchat / Prof. Wener Schupp / Dr. Sam Daher / Dr. Narandr Chevangkul / Dr. Kenji Ojima
9:10Registration Open
9:20■Dr. Kenji Ojima
[DSD Invisalign]
10:00■Dr. Hitoshi Watanabe
[Using TADs Approach with Invisailgn]
10:50■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Wolfgang Boisseree [Orthodontics and Prosthodontics - a powerful interdisciplinary partnership]
11:10■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Francesco Garino [Teenagers and Class II Treatments with Aligners : Which are the Options?]
13:00■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Stephen Chang [An Insight on the Moment and Biomechanics of Aligner]
13:50■Keynote Speaker
Prof. Junji Sugawara [Surgery First with Application of Aligners]
14:40Coffee Break
15:10■Keynote Speaker
Dr. Kamy Malekian[Complex Non-Extraction Malocclussion : Space Achievers Strategy]
16:00■Dr. Hirohide Arimoto[Racing Team for Accelerated Aligner Treatment]
17:30□Panel Discussion2
Prof. Ravi Nanda[Moderator]
Dr. Wolfgang Boisseree / Dr. Francesco Garino / Dr. Stephen Chang / Dr. Prof. Junji Sugawara / Dr. Kamy Malekian / Dr. Hirohide Arimoto / Dr. Kenji Ojima




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