Dr. Werner Schupp Cologne(Germany)
The 4th Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2017
- < The Functional Aspect in Aligner Orthodontics >
- Abstract : Orthodontics and orofacial orthopaedics can create a nice smile and a physiological function. A good facial aesthetic is important, but function also. Especially in growing children we should not forget the functional treatment based on Roux’s concept. With the neuromuscular treatment founded by Fraenkel we are able to form the growing face. In a cl. II and in a cl. III relationship we control the sagittal growth, a narrow arch will be expanded with a Fraenkel appliance. The effect of this therapy is not limited to the jaws and face. Due to the influence on the TMJ and the neuromuscular system we have also influence onto the musculoskeletal system. The skeletal effect of the functional Fraenkel appliance is evident. Malocclusion is not possible to treat alone with the functional appliance. Years ago we had to use fixed mechanics to move the teeth into a correct position. These days we use aligner orthodontics to correct the malocclusion. Since years we combine the Fraenkel appliance with the aligner therapy.
The lecture will present basics of the functional concept and the neuromuscular system as well as the musculoskeletal system. Step by step the treatment procedure will be demonstrated under practical aspects.
Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2016
- Keynote Speaker <Fundamentals of interdisciplinary cooperation between orthodontics and restorative dentistry with special attention to the function.>
- The dentistry has direct influence on the temporomandibular joint function and on the neuromuscular system by changing the occlusion. The temporomandibular joints, masticatory muscles and the teeth have a not to be underestimated impact onto the entire organism. This relationship is complex and multilayered, and described in detail in various studies.
For the planning of a complex interdisciplinary treatment the speakers will give a well-defined schedule as a prerequisite for successful treatment. The algorithm of this sequence is shown in detail and described in various different treatment strategies.
Objective of dentistry in this context is the occlusal therapy, which often requires interaction of orthodontics and restorative dentistry. The realization in the dental practice today takes place for the most part in a digital workflow. The virtual orthodontic treatment planning (ClinCheck Software) and the current possibilities of CAD / CAM technology in the functional therapeutic and restorative dentistry will also be presented in various treatment examples.
Japan Academy of Aligner Orthodontics 2015
- Keynote Speaker < Occlusal concept for invisalign treatment >
- Orofacial, orthopedic, and orthodontic treatments always start with the case history, the patient records, and then the diagnosis. Treatment planning for use of Invisalign system differs from other techniques such as fixed appliances. The Invisalign system can be used to treat almost all problems and it can be combined with other techniques. Strategic planning with the Invisalign system is crucial and one of the main factors that contributes to its success.
The lecture will demonstrate the functional diagnosis, treatment planning and the proper handling of the ClinCheck Pro – software.
Dr. Werner Schupp
born 24. February 1958, Wissen, Germany
Studies of dentistry at the University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität) final exam 1985, dissertation 1986.
Postgraduate student in Orthodontics from 1987 – 1989 at the Universtiy of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms Universität), department of orthodontics, director Ms Prof. Dr. U. Ehmer, certified specialist of “orthodontics” since 1989
Collaboration in the orthodontic pivate practice of
Dr. D.E. Toll, D.D.S. (USA) 1989 and 1990
Own private practice as a specialist for orthodontics in Cologne.- Rodenkirchen since 1990
Publication of the books:
- “Funktionslehre in der Kieferorthopädie” in 2000 (ISBN: 3-928055-03-8) together with Dr. Toll
- “Kraniomandibuläres und Muskuloskelettales System” in 2012 by Quintessenz Publ. together with Dr. Boisserée
- “Aligner Orthodontics” first published 2015 together with Dr. Haubrich, Quintessence Publishing (English, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Korean and French version)
- “Aligner Orthodontics and orofacial Orthopedics, Quintessence Publ., in print
Best Lecture Award European Aligner Society (EAS) 2016
Over 6000 Patients treated with Aligner Orthodontics (In-Office Aligner, Invisalign and other systems),
Certified in Manual medicine and Osteopathy for Orthodontics (DGMM / GBO)
Editor in Chief “Journal of Aligner Orthodontics” Quintessence Publishing
Editor for “Manuelle Medizin und Kieferorthopädie” (Springer Verlag)
Advisory Board “Kieferorthopädie” Quintessenz Verlag
Founding member and Past President of the German Board of Orthodontics and Orofacial Orthopedics (GBO)
Lecturer Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
President of the international study group “Craniomandibular and musculoskeletal medicine”
Former Visiting Professor, University of Ferrara, Italy (Chairman Prof. Giuseppe Siciliani)
Visiting Professor, School of Stomatology, Capital Medical University, Beijing, P.R. China (Cairman Prof. Yuxing Bai, D.D.S.,Ph.D)
Former Member of the German Eventing Equestrian Team